What Internet Marketing Companies Can Learn From Pokemon Go

By Arthur Williams

Augmented reality is one of the most interesting pieces of technology we have today. This is especially true when you pair it with a unique premise and a cast of memorable characters. Such is the case with Pokemon Go, an app that came out this past July to quite a bit of fanfare. For both fans and newcomers alike, it proved to be engaging. As a matter of fact, there's much that Internet marketing companies can learn from the app in question.

In July, an app called Pokemon Go was released for iOS and Android platforms. For those who haven't tried it yet, the app allowed users to catch virtual Pokemon, which would be shown on their smartphones via augmented reality technology. The app became so popular that, not even a day after its released, it topped both the "Free" and "Top Grossing" charts on Apple's App Store. Everyone took notice of this app's growth, especially reputable authorities such as www.fishbat.com.

One of the main reasons why Pokemon Go became so popular has to do with engagement. While video games themselves can be quite gripping, it's easy to see that not everyone is enticed by them. However, when you bring the experience to devices that most people own - smartphones, in this case - entry becomes more welcoming. In addition, it's unlikely that other devices could create such accessible experiences as mobile devices have.

I believe that there are many things that an Internet marketing company can learn from Pokemon Go. First of all, it shows that even those who aren't avid Pokemon fans still take to the brand. Secondly, it speaks volumes about how ready people are to accept augmented reality as a form of entertainment. Tools like Face Swap are proof of this, but Pokemon Go has taken things to an entirely new level. In fact, this app can only get bigger from here.

Almost immediately after the app released, Pokemon Go saw success of the highest level. It brought in millions of dollars and attracted everyone from non-fans to Pokemon enthusiasts. Not only has this app been able to reach so many people but it illustrated the potential that Nintendo could reach in the mobile app market. Who's to say that they won't put out more apps in order to replicate similar levels of success?

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